Your e-Portfolio in Evaluations and Master Teacher Premium – IDAHO FALLS
Your e-Portfolio in Evaluations and Master Teacher Premium – IDAHO FALLS
Your e-Portfolio in Evaluations and Master Teacher Premium – IDAHO FALLS
Bring a charged laptop. Lunch will be provided.
FREE to IEA Members!!
Non-members $200
NOTE: If you would like to join the IEA now to take this class and other classes for free as an IEA Member along with receiving many other valuable IEA member benefits visit our website at
It’s time to start now to prepare your three years of artifacts to apply for the Master Teacher Premium!
* Attendees will leave with ideas for all 22 elements and the ability to build a portfolio in a new exciting way.
* Each attendee will also receive a jump drive that is formatted with an easy-to-use file system for convenient storage.
The Master Teacher Premium Basics
It is an effort by the Idaho Legislature to recognize and financially reward outstanding teachers.
It is a premium paid to the teacher of $4,000 per year for the first three years ($12,000), in addition to the teacher’s normal salary. Following the initial three year period teachers are eligible to receive the premium on an annual basis.
Master Teacher Premium determinations are based on the teacher meeting the minimum requirements and a collection of artifacts and evidence (portfolio) of exemplary teaching practices within five standards, including:
- Leadership
- Professional Collaboration and Partnerships
- Students and Learning Environment
- Content, Instruction and Assessment
- Professional Growth
Master Teacher Premium is an option that full-time and part-time educators who have been teaching for at least 8 years may choose to pursue.
What the Master Teacher Premium is NOT:
It is NOT part of the leadership premium funds distributed by your district.
It is NOT part of or connected to your administrator’s evaluation of the teacher’s performance.
It is NOT part of the certification or re-certification process.
It is NOT tied to your placement on the Career Ladder.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements:
– Eight years of teaching experience, three years immediately preceding the award must be continuous.
– Successful completion of an annual individualized professional learning plan.
– A majority of students meet measurable student achievement as defined in section 33-1001, Idaho code for not less than three of the previous five years.
– Provide artifacts demonstrating evidence of effective teaching for three of the previous five years.
– This is an option that full-time and part-time educators who have been teaching for at least 8 years may choose to pursue.
Contact Tami Wade at or 208-734-5015 for more information
NOTE: Refund requests for paid tickets approved prior to training only.
**If you need to CANCEL your registration for any reason, we ask that you PLEASE email the IEA at, at least 48 hours prior to the training, to give the IEA sufficient time to offer available open seating to our large waiting list.**
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