DEADLINE: IEA Statewide Office Candidate Forms
DEADLINE: IEA Statewide Office Candidate Forms
DEADLINE: IEA Statewide Office Candidate Forms
The IEA is seeking nominations for IEA Statewide Leadership positions. Complete and return the Nomination form (Exhibit K) to Julie Fleharty at or to Penni Cyr at ASAP but prior to March 25, 2016.
All statewide candidate nomination forms are due to the IEA office on or before March 25, 2016. They must be hand delivered, electronically received or postmarked by this date to be eligible. A Meet the Candidates website will be available in February for members to review and become familiar with the candidates prior to elections.
The following positions are open for nominations and will be voted upon by mail-in ballots following Delegate Assembly 2016. All members are eligible to run for the NEA Director position. All minority members are eligible to run for the Minority-At-Large position. Any members from a region where there is a IEA board seat opening are eligible to run for a position on the IEA Board of Directors. All incumbents and new nominees must complete documentation described in each section below.
NEA DIRECTOR – IEA’s Director to the NEA Board of Directors – Kari Overall currently serving as NEA Director. Terms out in 2016
Must complete Exhibit K, Nomination Form.
IEA MINORITY AT-LARGE – Sonia Galaviz currently serving her first term as IEA Minority At-Large.
Must complete Exhibit K, Nomination Form.
Must complete Exhibit K, Nomination Form and IEA BOD Declaration of Candidacy
- Retired Board Member; current position held by Bette Price
- Region 1; vacant (full 3-year term)
- Region 3; Current position held by Stan Allsberry
- Region 5; vacant (1-year term to complete vacated term)
- Region 5; current position held by Jim Robinson
- Region 7; current position held by Mandy Simpson
- Region 8; current position held by Debbie Watkins
- Region 9; current position held by Angie Hickman
For more Information, Contact: