Red for Ed
The Idaho Education Association encourages educators and others interested in public education to wear RED on Wednesdays. This is one tangible way to demonstrate support for teachers, students, and public schools.
In November, we encourage everyone to wear RED FOR ED on election day, Tuesday, November 6. Supporting pro-education candidates can make a big difference for our students and teachers. Here are some others:
- Weigh in during public comment periods on education policy issues.
- Run for a position on your local school board.
- Attend a local school board meeting and get to know the issues and board members.
- Contact legislators and let them know you want fully-resourced public schools in Idaho.
- Join the PTO or reach out to local schools and let them know you want to help.
Every little bit helps as we look to display our support for public education in Idaho!
Share your RED FOR ED stories and photos with us on Facebook