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Meet the Committee: The Retired Council 

February 15, 2025

Idaho Education Association has committees and councils to represent certain groups of members, work on special projects or issues central to IEA, or simply advance the business of the union. These groups are essential to how IEA works — but how much do you know about them, really?  

This is your chance to find out! In the weeks leading up to Delegate Assembly, we’ll feature committees so you can get a better idea of their work and how you can get involved. We’re kicking things off with IEA’s Retired Council.  

Name: IEA Retired Council 

Chapters: North Idaho Education Association-Retired Chapter (NIEARC, covering North Idaho), Southwest Educators Association-Retired (SWEA-R, covering the southwest region of the state, including the Treasure Valley), and the Retired Educators in Southeastern and Eastern Idaho (RESET-6, covering the region including Idaho Falls and Pocatello).  

Creation and governance: Retired member and Director of Member Benefits Dick Chilcote, who serves as the co-chair with retired member Mary Lee Ruch, said the council was created in 2014. Since then, IEA’s retired members have increased to more than 2,000. The council was designed to mirror the governance structure of the National Education Association’s popular retired program.  

In addition to the co-chairs — both of whom are appointed to their Retired Council positions because they also serve on the IEA Board of Directors — representatives from each region serve three-year terms. IEA General Counsel Shane Reichert is the IEA staff liaison.  

What the council does: “Our purpose is to advance and promote IEA programs for IEA retired members and pre-retired members,” Chilcote said. “Basically, we create programs so active members who retire can stay linked.” 

Those efforts include:  

  • Providing opportunities for retired members to maintain their IEA involvement 
  • Creating forums to address common concerns like retirement benefits 
  • Facilitating information sharing and social interaction 
  • Supporting IEA’s efforts to advance public education 
  • Assisting in electing pro-education candidates 
  • Helping improve instruction and enhance teaching’s public image 

Each chapter of the Retired Council creates opportunities for retired educators in their region to connect, including monthly outings and tours, socials and classes. Retired members also play a crucial role in raising money for the IEA Children’s Fund, lobbying the Idaho Legislature, supporting active members during actions or providing meals to collective bargaining teams during negotiations.  

How you can get involved: The Retired Council is looking for a representative for Region 5, the only region currently not represented on the council. If you’re interested in serving as a member for Region 5, or if you are interested in forming a retired chapter in your area, reach out to your regional Retired Council representative.  

Members of NIEARC, a chapter of the Retired Council, create art at one of their social gatherings.

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