Idaho Education Association committees, councils and caucuses represent certain groups of members, work on special projects or issues central to IEA, or simply advance the business of the union. These groups are essential to the work of the union — but how much do you know about them, really?
This is your chance to find out! In the weeks leading up to IEA’s 2025 Delegate Assembly, IEA Reporter will feature a number of these groups to give you a better idea of their work and how you can get involved. This week, we’re looking at the LGBTQ+ Caucus.
Name: IEA LGBTQ+ Caucus
Representation: The caucus is open to members from every region. An IEA caucus differs from an IEA committee. Unlike committees, which can be created through a new business item at Delegate Assembly or by the IEA Board of Directors, caucuses are created through member action and are not financially supported by IEA dues. Members who join a caucus pay additional fees specifically to the caucus.
Creation and governance: The IEA Board of Directors approved the caucus in December 2024, but this year’s Delegate Assembly will serve as its official debut. Cassie Horner, a member of the Boise Education Association, led the effort to create the caucus.
“I felt like there was a need in our state for it, especially for students,” Horner said. “We’re constantly under attack at the capitol — both students and trans and queer folk in general. I want this to be another resource and support for educators.”
What the committee does: The caucus will help ensure every educator and student feels safe, respected and valued, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Although the caucus is just getting started, members are already building partnerships with community organizations like Boise Pride to help promote events and provide support for LGBTQ+ students.
How you can get involved: The committee is open to any member interested in participating, including members outside Idaho’s major cities.
“I’m hoping to reach out to members in rural communities who might have fewer resources and support,” Horner said.
The new caucus will work closely with the Women and Minorities Caucus, even sharing meeting space at this year’s Delegate Assembly. The two caucuses have a natural crossover, Horner said.
“We will probably end up sharing a lot of the same folks,” Horner said. “Allies are welcome to join — they don’t have to be part of the LGBTQ+ community.”
To learn more or become a member, email Horner at The caucus will also have a booth at Summer Institute where members can join.