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Meet the Committee: Membership

February 21, 2025

Idaho Education Association has committees and councils to represent certain groups of members, work on special projects or issues central to IEA, or simply advance the business of the union. These groups are essential to how IEA works — but how much do you know about them, really?   

Over the next several weeks, we’ll feature committees so you can learn more and discover how to get involved. 

Name: IEA Membership Committee 

Representation: This new committee is designed to include members from every IEA region, an aspiring educator, and an ESP member. All seats are filled with the exception of regions 3 and 7, which still need representation.  

Creation and governance: The new committee is the first statewide committee specifically dedicated to membership growth and engagement, part of a broader strategic goal to increase IEA membership by approximately 10 percent.  

“Being a member of the association is about being part of something bigger – it’s about having a unified voice,” said Peggy Hoy, who is serving as the committee’s organizer. She is also IEA’s NEA representative and governance organizer. “We didn’t have membership support statewide, so until now every local has been in a silo. This committee will help us have a unified message and plans, learn from each other, and build our union.” 

What the council will do: The committee will meet at least twice per year; Hoy is hoping one of those meetings can be in person. Additional virtual meetings will be scheduled as needed, particularly during the initial planning phase. During the meetings, committee members will have the opportunity to share best practices that have worked in their locals, plan for membership drives at key points in the year and create consistent membership outreach.  
How to get involved: Members interested in learning more about the committee or inquiring about open positions can contact their regional leadership or reach out to Hoy directly at  

Want to learn how to align your messaging, recruit new members, or retain the members you have? A new IEA committee will focus on strengthening the union's numbers and membership experience.

Categories: Featured Story

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