If you’re a school librarian or educational support professional hoping to connect with others who understand the unique challenges and opportunities you face, a newly formed statewide committee could help you build resources and resilience.
Jefferson County Education Association member Heidi Robbins, the chairperson of the committee, is looking for interested members throughout Idaho. Robbins, who works at Rigby Senior High School, proposed the committee as a new business item at the 2024 Idaho Education Association Delegate Assembly. The NBI passed.

Heidi Robbins, the chair of the new statewide library committee.
“I wanted to create a library committee so school librarians across the state would know the support they can get from the union, as well as to give them a voice within the union,” Robbins says. “We deal with unique situations in our libraries. Many librarians feel scared or even under attack right now. Having a community we can turn to when we need support will be invaluable to our union members, school librarians and the students we serve.”
The committee will meet virtually or via email so Idaho’s school librarians can conveniently network, problem-solve, and learn how the IEA’s resources and advocacy can serve them. Librarians and ESPs do not need to be union members to join.
“My hope is to get two librarians from every region so our committee can truly reflect the needs in our state,” Robbins says. “I’m excited for this opportunity and can’t wait to make connections with many amazing librarians across the state!”
As the committee builds, Robbins hopes its members can meet in person in their regions or locals and serve as points of contact for those who have questions or need support. Together, the committee will work on targeted advocacy efforts, professional development opportunities and bargaining priorities that directly benefit Idaho’s school libraries.
To become a founding member of the new IEA library committee, contact Robbins at heidimaxinerobbins@yahoo.com.