
News About and for IEA Members.

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Featured Story

A Sparks Retreat in Six Photos

Just a few weekends ago, a group of early career educators from regions 4, 5 and 6 converged in the tiny town of Lava Hot Springs. They weren't just there to soak in the town's famous pools (though they did) — they were there to learn more about their union and...

‘Nobody Is Disposable’: Joy Weisel Taps Into the Power of Community 

Joy Weisel grew up in a family that refused to accept the status quo.   “I was raised in an environment where, when you saw something wrong, you didn’t just go, ‘Oh, man, that’s wrong,’” she explains. “You did something about it.”  For Weisel’s parents,...

Meet the Committee: The Library Committee 

Idaho Education Association committees and councils represent certain groups of members, work on special projects or issues central to IEA, or simply advance the business of the union. These groups are essential to the work of the union — but how much do you know...

Meet the Committee: Membership

IEA’s new statewide Membership Committee is dedicated to membership growth and engagement, and is part of a broader strategic goal to increase IEA membership by approximately 10 percent.

Meet the Committee: The Retired Council 

Idaho Education Association has committees and councils to represent certain groups of members, work on special projects or issues central to IEA, or simply advance the business of the union. These groups are essential to how IEA works — but how much do you know about...

In the News...

Administrative costs for private school tax credit rise to $675,000

Idaho Education News, March 19, 2025

W. Ada considers requiring ‘everyone is welcome’ signs at each school; claims teacher’s signs prohibited due to ‘design elements’, March 17, 2025

Trump signs order directing Education secretary to shut down her own department

Idaho Capital Sun, March 20, 2025

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IEA Commentary

Submitting an item for the Commentary section? Tell your fellow members what’s on your mind about your profession and public education in Idaho, but please keep your essay to 750 words or less. And don’t forget to send us a photo of yourself!

→ Submit your own commentary here

IEA Reporter Podcast

This week: a legislative update and discussion about IEA’s annual Delegate Assembly with IEA President Layne McInelly. Delegate Assembly, the highest governing body of the largest union in Idaho, will be held April 4-5 in Boise.

Featured Photos

Submitting a potential Featured Photo? A picture is worth a thousand words, so show us what’s happening with your local education association with a photo. Events, meetings, member engagement — it’s all fair game, but please remember that your fellow members want to see faces. Also please be sure identify everyone in the photo and include the ‘what, when, where and why’ when submitting your caption.

→ Submit your own Featured Photo here

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