Teacher Trainee Award
This award goes to one elementary education major and/or one secondary education major who is currently enrolled in a teacher training program.
Nomination Guidelines
Guidelines for Selection:
- The award shall go to one elementary education major and/or one secondary education major who is currently enrolled in a teacher training program.
- Each recipient shall be a dues paying member of the NEA/IEA Aspiring Educator program.
- Nominations may come from locals, regions, aspiring educator chapters and advisors in Idaho colleges/universities.
- No more than one nominee from each category (elementary or secondary) will be accepted from any one college/university.
- The Awards Subcommittee of the Board of Directors will screen nominations submitted to the Board. The awards subcommittee shall make a recommendation to the Board of Directors at its winter meeting. The Board of Directors shall act upon the recommendation at that meeting.
- The award(s) shall be given annually at the IEA Delegate Assembly.
- The award(s) shall be given only if an acceptable nominee is selected.
- Information about the Teacher Trainee Award shall be published at least once each year. A letter of announcement will be sent to the region offices and local associations including college/university advisors and aspring educator chapters prior to the end of December to allow time for submission of nominations.
- The award shall consist of an appropriate individual plaque, the name engraved on a perpetual plaque displayed in the headquarters office and payment of the NEA/IEA Aspiring Educator membership dues for one award recipient for the previous year.
- Non-IEA Delegate Assembly delegates shall receive reimbursement per current IEA policy to attend the IEA Awards ceremony at Delegate Assembly.