THIS AGREEMENT, made this _______ day of ___________________________, (year) ________,
by and between the Idaho Education Association, hereinafter called the IEA, and the (local affiliate)
_________________________________, hereinafter called the local affiliate.
1. The local affiliate is responsible for educating their members in the eDues (EFT and Credit Card payments) collection process and assisting in the collecting of state and national (UEP) dues to the IEA.
2. Changes in membership data (address, last name, termination, etc.) should be reported to the IEA by the 5th of the month following the occurrence of such change.
3. The local affiliate shall be responsible for the enforcement of the membership agreement in that:
a. A member must make a written request to the local association president prior to the date established by the local association which can be no later than October 15 of any year to revoke continuing membership.
b. If for any reason a member’s employment is terminated prior to the end of any contract term, the amounts for which the member is obligated shall be prorated by the number of months the member was employed for that contract year.
4. Any local which has not transmitted at least 40% of its annual dues obligation to the IEA by ten (10) days prior to the meeting of any Delegate Assembly will be denied seating of its delegates without direct action of Delegate Assembly. (See IEA Board Policy D-3, Paragraph 7 B and C, Delegate Assembly Standing Rule 2.1 and IEA Bylaw, Chapter II, Section 7, paragraph a.(1) and (2))
5. If a member opts to pay their dues via individual member EFT, the UEP and local dues shall be transmitted to the IEA in equal monthly payments commencing in September (or the next available withdrawal date following enrollment) and ending no later than August 31. Should EFT or credit card failure occur due to the change of a bank account, insufficient funds, a stop payment request by a member, or for various other reasons, the following policies will go into effect:
First eDues Failure
• Member receives an automatically generated email describing options to resolve the failure.
- Local association receives an email notifying them of the failure, unless the failure is due to NSF.
Second EFT Failure
• Member receives an automatically generated email notifying them of the failure.
• Local association receives an email notifying them of the failure
- Local association is responsible for assisting member with resolving unpaid dues