IEA- R6 – Master Educator Portfolio Training Part 2 – Idaho Falls
IEA- R6 – Master Educator Portfolio Training Part 2 – Idaho Falls
IEA- R6 – Master Educator Portfolio Training Part 2 – Idaho Falls
***MTP 1 is a pre-requisite for this class***
Bring your Laptop!
Lunch Provided
Sign in begins at 8:30 am
To be eligible for the first round of premiums in 2019, teachers must have three years of artifacts assembled into a portfolio, beginning with the 2016-17 school year.
Training includes the newly approved rubric the state will be using as a standard for the Master Educator Portfolio submissions.
*Dig into the Master Educator Portfolio to build an understanding of each standard/characteristic.
*Learn to identify possible artifacts.
*Learn to write narratives and descriptions for artifacts and link those to the standards.
*Begin to create an electronic portfolio of artifacts based on the Idaho Master Teacher standards and rubric.
Free to IEA members. All others may attend for $300.00.
Contact Tami Wade at 208-734-5015 or for more information or MTP 1 Training availability
Register at: or go to and search IEA Region 6 MASTER EDUCATOR PREMIUM #2 IDAHO FALLS ID
For more Information, Contact: