Bargaining for Everyone: Understanding the Power of Collective Negotiations | Online





Bargaining for Everyone: Understanding the Power of Collective Negotiations | Online

The IEA Coordinated Bargaining Council (CBC) is excited to announce a brand-new training offering, “Bargaining for Everyone: Understanding the Power of Collective Negotiations.” Unlike our previous CBC courses, this training is open to all public school staff—members and non-members alike—who are interested in learning how the bargaining process works and how they can get involved.

Too often, bargaining is seen as a process that only involves a small team of negotiators. But the truth is, bargaining is for everyone! Whether you are in the classroom, the counseling office, or the library, what happens at the bargaining table affects your salary, benefits, and working conditions.

This training will cover:

• Bargaining Myths: What is and isn’t true about the bargaining process.
• What is Bargaining?: An overview of how negotiations work and how agreements are reached.
• The Role of the Union: Understanding how the union advocates for you.
• How You Can Help: Learn practical ways you can support your bargaining team and ensure your voice is heard.

If you’ve ever wondered how you can play a role in shaping your contract, improving your working conditions, or helping build a stronger association, this training is for you. You don’t have to be on the bargaining team to make a difference! Every school employee deserves a living wage, good benefits, and the security of knowing they are valued at their job. Through the collective power of bargaining, we can achieve that together. Come learn how you can help make a difference!

For more Information, Contact:

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