
News About and for IEA Members.

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IEA Reporter Podcast

IEA’s podcast is back! Listen to GR-PACE member Lisa Callaway, President Layne McInelly, Political Director Chris Parri, and Communications Director Mike Journee talk about the issues members will face during the 2025 Idaho legislative session.

IEA Election Nominations are Open!

Got A Summer Institute Class Idea?

coming events

Idaho Education Association Executive Director Paul Stark, President Layne McInelly, and Governance Organizer Peggy Hoy recently visited Washington, D.C., to lobby Congress on behalf of Idaho educators. The IEA team pushed for gun safety, education funding and the Secure Rural Schools Act.  

Submitting a potential Photo of the Week? A picture is worth a thousand words, so show us what’s happening with your local education association with a photo. Events, meetings, member engagement — it’s all fair game, but please remember that your fellow members want to see faces. Also please be sure identify everyone in the photo and include the ‘what, when, where and why’ when submitting your caption.

→ Submit your own photo of the week here


Submitting an item for the Commentary section? Tell your fellow members what’s on your mind about your profession and public education in Idaho, but please keep your essay to 750 words or less. And don’t forget to send us a photo of yourself!

→ Submit your own commentary here


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