Light Your Classroom on Fire with Passion-Based Learning | Online





Light Your Classroom on Fire with Passion-Based Learning | Online

What would you learn about if you were given structured time during the workday to follow your passion? Great teachers work to inspire and make a difference, but great classrooms have students inspiring each other. Passion-Based Learning gives students the opportunity to take ownership over their education and ignite their passion for learning. The idea of Genius Hour or 20% time in the classroom is an emerging trend that is storming the nation. This session will help teachers go from hearing about it to effectively facilitating it in their classrooms. Resources will be available, successes and challenges will be addressed, and structures for these powerful student-driven learning experiences will be shared. Participants will leave ready to implement Passion-Based Learning into their own classrooms and schools. Together, we can help students reach for a greater depth of knowledge and find their purpose for learning.

Session Objectives:

  • Educators will explore the concept of passion-based learning in the classroom
  • Educators will obtain resources and conceptualize their use in the classroom
  • Educators will understand the importance of student choice in our ever-changing world of information and innovation.

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