Center for Teaching and Learning Trainer Application

  • Attend a two-day training where you will be introduced to the characteristics of adult learners 
  • Engage with other potential trainers in order to understand the fundamental aspects of an optimal environment for adult learners 
  • Use knowledge of adult learners and the characteristics of a good training to create a professional development class to present at IEA Summer Institute with board approval become a certified CTL trainer

The IEA Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is seeking IEA members who are interested in leading the profession by creating and facilitating adult learning opportunities for Idaho educators, collaborating with other trainers by sharing and participating in best professional practices, and improving outcomes for public school students.

To be considered for this professional learning opportunity you need to have taken the Train the Trainers course. 

Please submit your digital application, resumé, and one letter of reference to


What will the IEA Center for Teaching and Learning do for you?

  • Connect educators with each other in advancing the professionalism of the work they do 
  • Develop and strengthen leadership and facilitation skills with adult learners
  • Promote the sharing of best professional practices with other educators in an effort to better meet the needs of Idaho public school students
  • Provide opportunities to participate in outside professional development opportunities that can be used to develop trainings for the CTL
  • Give professional evaluation and feedback
  • Reimburse mileage, meals, materials
  • Compensate trainers for developing and delivering training


Expectations for a member of the IEA Center for Teaching and Learning Trainer Cadre: Three-year commitment

First Year

  • Attend a two-day training where you will be introduced to the characteristics of adult learners 
  • Engage with other potential trainers in order to understand the fundamental aspects of an optimal environment for adult learners 
  • Use knowledge of adult learners and the characteristics of a good training to create a professional development class to present at IEA Summer Institute
  • With board approval become a certified CTL trainer


Second Year

  • Attend the annual two-day training event with all of the veteran and newly approved CTL trainers to further hone skills as a facilitator of adult learning
  • Suggest topics that are appropriate for IEA trainings
  • Use course evaluations and feedback to refine a presentation and further develop your class
  • Create new trainings to meet the needs of Idaho educators and students
  • Provide your classes upon the request of the IEA or CTL at various locations around the state
  • Adapt your training to a synchronous online format when possible
  • Present at Summer Institute


Third Year

  • Attend the annual two-day training event with all of the veteran and newly approved CTL trainers to further hone skills as a facilitator of adult learning
  • Co-present with other trainers of high demand classes for which multiple trainers are needed to meet the needs of the state affiliate, districts, and other partners
  • Continue creating and revising trainings to meet the needs of Idaho educators and students
  • Continue participating in and presenting at Summer Institute
  • Actively reflect on your training evaluations during any scheduled meetings
  • Apply to become a CTL board member when seats become available

  • Your Training Background

  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    PDF, DOC, DOCX allowed.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    PDF, DOC, DOCX allowed.
  • Your Personal Information

  • By submitting this form, you indicate that you understand the commitments required for this professional learning opportunity.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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