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Endorsed Candidate Q&A: Rick Just

October 24, 2024

Rick Just

Idaho Education Association members endorsed a slate of pro-public education candidates throughout the state for the Idaho Legislature. As part of the endorsement process, IEA asked candidates to respond to a questionnaire about the issues that are most crucial to Idaho’s public school educators. As we approach the crucial Nov. 5 election, we’ll share their responses with members.   

Here’s our Q&A with Sen. Rick Just, a Democrat running for reelection in Boise’s District 15. His answers have been lightly edited for spelling, grammar, brevity and clarity.   

What is your relationship to Idaho public education?  I attended school in the Firth School District from first grade to high school graduation. My mother taught first and second grade there for years and in Shelley and Wapello. She got her teaching certificate at Albion, then years later worked hard to get her four-year degree from ISU, taking correspondence courses and attending summer classes. 

I attended Idaho State University for one semester. I received an undergraduate degree in English from BSU and, later, an MPA from the same institution. 

Idaho does not fully fund its public education system. How would you propose to change that? I’d like to see funding based on registration, not ADT (average daily attendance). The facilities bill passed last year will help, but I’d like the state to take on more of that burden. Unfortunately, I don’t see a lot of appetite for that in the Legislature. Barring significant increases in funding, I’d like to see the supermajority required for bonding reduced. Ideally, I’d like to see 50 percent plus one, but even a reduction to 60 percent would be helpful. 

What is your position on vouchers to fund private school education?  I’m a solid no. First, it’s unconstitutional. Second, it would reduce funding for public schools and other state services. 

Idaho students are facing increasing mental health challenges, such as anxiety and depression. What steps, if any, would you propose to counter that?  We have a shortage of mental health professionals employed in our schools. We need to increase that number or subsidize mental health services in the schools from the private sector. 

What is your position on fast-track, alternate routes to educator certification?  I’m skeptical. I’d need to see what the proposal entails before making a decision. 

Idaho educators are frequently disrespected and targeted by anti-public education forces. What is your reaction to that?  It’s disgraceful. I’m afraid it’s all part of a scheme to erode confidence in our public school system so that outside forces can come in and sell the concept of vouchers. 

What are the main points you want IEA members to remember about you and your candidacy?  I support: 

Early childhood education. 

Developing grade-level reading skills by third grade. 

Dual-credit classes for high school students. 

Idaho Launch. 

Education and educators in general. 

I do not support vouchers or whatever name such legislation might go by. 


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